Monday, 25 February 2013

Protectobots 1986 Parts of Defensor

  Muaddib Prime reporting . . . This is Hot Spot the torso of Defensor, this toy is retro to the bone with the hot blue colour and orange fireball stickers on the side. I love this colour, it is the number one reason why Hot Spot is so cool (besides the massive fireball cannons) I have see other modes besides is firetruck mode, a carry all for his other buddies in the group and a so called repair bay but I just have his robot and vehicle modes shown here. The movement of the arms, legs and head are decent his hands are fixed in place and slide out from inside the shoulders. This ladder slides out in three sections, so about the ladder shown here is one third of total size. I have him with Defensor's feet pieces because he stands better that way and looks good too which helps, but don't count them staying in while moving him around. 

This is Blades, he can be an arm or a leg of Defensor. He is equipped with a small white hand gun and two white side cannons. Very basic transformation, legs slide out and arms pop out from the side, the only movement is in the arms. Remember these figures ( Except the pose ablity of Hot Spot) are all pretty much building blocks for Defensor and aren't really built for separate display. The blades can swing into one blade, in a bio for the character his blades are a sword weapon used in battle. 

 This little guy is First Aid the medic of the group, I mean every good team needs to have one. He also can become and arm or a leg but I prefer leg. Hes got a black gun in robot mode and in ambulance mode he's got a small hole at the back which and fit one of the double barrel guns. Arms are (surprise) the only thing are movable on this figure. I like the simple vehicle mode it feels a lot like a small G1 Ironhide. 

Groove his the peace loving pacifist of the group he is supposed to come with two black cannons much like Blades's white ones. So instead I put the exhaust pipes on him from Hot Spot. In robot mode his feet are move able and his arms are too, but a little unstable as they are on a metal bar. Also some ware on the chrome from the previous owner. He has a black gun that fits in his sideways grip. I like him as the Arm piece because I can make him as long as Blades and give Defensor and bigger tougher look. 

 Streetwise is the last of the bunch. Hes got a skinny robot mode which I like, not too much bulk. Also has a black gun and in police car mode I can fit the other double barrel gun in his back end which makes him look like something from mad max. Currently hes a leg even though I have to pop the arms out a little bit to accommodate the leg joint of Hot Spot. Overall I really enjoy the final mode of Defensor and I am always looking for new ways to display him and I keep finding them. Muaddib Prime ending transmission to Teletran 1 more updates to come ... lots more, ROLL OUT !!!

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